Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

JAF 1.98.62 New Installer with inbuild PKEY emulator

This release of JAF with new installer brings several improvements:

- you are no longer asked if you want new cable drivers, latest are installed,
- there is no need to launch PKEY Emulator, it runs automatically,
- you will no longer see "Box driver not installed" error

JAF allows you to upgrade, downgrade, cross-flash and repair dead phone using USB cable. No additional equipment needed (no box, no pkey) - though many functions require box to be present.

Hardware Repair China Mobile

Samsung I900 Boot Repair

900 Boot Repair Tool

if ur I900 omnia turned to dead because of any software reason and now

Your pc cant detect it
Hang on omnia logo
Ask for monohans driver
Only red light powering on…

ODM Unlock v1.19 crack free

FREE ODM Unlocker v1.19 cracked again by ZULEA

Here is full functional cracked (smartcard emulator) of Legija's Rocker Dongle ODM Unlock v1.19 (latest) software:

Work on following models:

Motorola W205
Motorola W206 NEW
Motorola W213 NEW
Motorola W208
Motorola W209
Motorola W215
Motorola W218
Motorola W156
Motorola W160
Motorola W175
Motorola W180
Motorola W230
Motorola W270
Motorola W377
Motorola C261
Motorola F3
SonyEricsson T250
SonyEricsson Z320
SonyEricsson Z250

PLEASE READ README.TXT from ZIP archive for more details and how to use !!!

More free stuff will come in next days ... (mainly Rocker Dongle emulators)